Special Report pushes myth that GOP-skewed election means “Missouri” rejected health care reform Video & Audio 08/04/10 6:44 PM EDT
Perino defends McCain-Coburn attacks on stimulus: “Even if half of them are false, that means half of them are accurate” Video & Audio 08/03/10 9:44 PM EDT
Jennings on combating Fox News' lies: “You won't win every time…but get in there and fight” Article 08/03/10 9:44 PM EDT
Limbaugh on “Second American Revolution”: “I would not call it a revolution, I'd call it a restoration” Video & Audio 08/02/10 2:44 PM EDT
Conservatives turning to judicial activism to defend AZ immigration bill? Article 07/29/10 4:35 PM EDT
Contrary to conservatives' claims, study shows Roberts Court is “the most conservative one in living memory” Article 07/26/10 10:21 AM EDT
Hoft calls Schakowsky a “crazy radical” for accurately noting that public option would reduce deficit Article 07/26/10 6:44 AM EDT