Fox's Nazi fetish: Beck, O'Reilly, others repeatedly invoke Nazi imagery Article 10/18/10 6:08 PM EDT
Family Research Council leads fight against opponents of anti-gay bullying Article 10/15/10 4:23 PM EDT
Beck: “What a surprise, progressives don't want us to have American cheese” Video & Audio 10/14/10 7:29 PM EDT
Beck on healthy school lunch program: “First it's nudge, then it's shove, then it becomes shoot” Video & Audio 10/14/10 7:25 PM EDT
Beck: “Uncle Sam, he is not your uncle. If he is, he's the uncle that should be in prison” Video & Audio 10/14/10 6:03 PM EDT
Beck's June programs were overloaded with violent, conspiratorial and paranoid rhetoric Article 10/08/10 5:32 PM EDT
Beck blames his medical problems on “drinking that poison” of progressives he's been studying Article 10/08/10 2:43 PM EDT
Doug Powers calls young health reform supporters “ugly” while lying about the law they support Article 10/06/10 5:14 PM EDT
Newsmax enlists serial misleader McCaughey to scaremonger about health care (and, of course, sell you something) Article 09/27/10 9:13 PM EDT