Tucker Carlson: Immigrants are being brought in as new citizens “to replace the disobedient ones” Video & Audio 03/16/21 9:09 PM EDT
Chris Hayes highlights Rupert Murdoch’s role in spreading COVID vaccine misinformation through Fox News Video & Audio 03/16/21 8:53 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says immigrants “punish the United States” by living here Video & Audio 03/16/21 8:36 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson claims no one will tell him how effective COVID-19 vaccines are Video & Audio 03/15/21 8:54 PM EDT
CNN's Brianna Keilar calls out Fox News for spreading vaccine denialism Video & Audio 03/15/21 2:55 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “It's a lie” that spreading COVID conspiracy theories has led to violence against Asian-Americans Video & Audio 03/12/21 9:17 PM EST
Fox News absurdly claims it is unconstitutional for Congress to protect the right to vote Article 03/12/21 3:33 PM EST
Fox's meltdown over Biden's speech shows that it has nothing left but propaganda Article 03/12/21 3:03 PM EST
Fox guest: Joe Biden lives in a “bizarro world” where “we were all still desperately afraid of the coronavirus” Video & Audio 03/11/21 8:53 PM EST
Tucker Carlson faces massive backlash after he insulted women serving in the military Article 03/11/21 2:38 PM EST
White nationalist Stephen Miller is Fox News’ newest immigration expert Article 03/11/21 11:03 AM EST
Fox News spreads dangerous conspiracy theories about migrants, calling them agents of drug cartels Article 03/11/21 10:31 AM EST