Fox & Friends flails in defense of Trump’s plan to detain arriving immigrant families indefinitely Article 08/22/19 3:04 PM EDT
Media headlines exaggerate scandal-ridden NRA’s power after Trump walked back support for gun safety laws Article 08/21/19 3:17 PM EDT
How Fox is defending Trump's allegation that Jewish voters are showing "great disloyalty" to Israel Article 08/21/19 2:41 PM EDT
Fox News figures and Trump claim news outlets are trying to spark a recession Article 08/20/19 12:15 PM EDT
New public TV co-star Pat Buchanan called for defunding public TV, complained it “glorified homosexuality” Article 08/16/19 10:49 AM EDT
Stephanie Grisham gave her first TV interview as White House press secretary to birther and reported sexual harasser Eric Bolling Article 08/15/19 2:55 PM EDT
Timeline: How baseless right-wing claims about tech bias led to Trump drafting an executive order Research/Study 08/15/19 2:39 PM EDT
White supremacist Pat Buchanan will co-star on public television’s relaunched McLaughlin Group Article 08/14/19 10:22 AM EDT
Trump endorsed Curt Schilling's possible run for Congress. He's a conspiracy theorist who uses social media to peddle bigotry and hatred. Article 08/13/19 5:23 PM EDT
It's long past time for mainstream media to see through conservatives' deficit charade Article 08/13/19 1:30 PM EDT
Fox News has repeatedly complained about legal immigrants using public services Article 08/12/19 4:24 PM EDT
Fox “news”-side program repeatedly hosts White House official to lie about abortion Article 08/07/19 5:10 PM EDT
After the El Paso shooting, users on 4chan and 8chan say that Tucker Carlson has taken their talking points Article 08/07/19 2:41 PM EDT
Right-wing media desperately look to blame anything but easy access to firearms in the wake of two deadly mass shootings Article 08/06/19 6:06 PM EDT