Tucker Carlson blames George Floyd’s death for “enshrined open racism” against white people Video & Audio 03/10/21 8:35 PM EST
Tucker Carlson says only the “delicate, timid, and effeminate” listen to public health experts Video & Audio 03/09/21 8:58 PM EST
Tucker Carlson guest falsely claims that Israel’s vaccine rollout hasn’t worked. In fact, the rollout shows that the vaccine works. Article 03/09/21 2:46 PM EST
What’s behind right-wing media’s curious lack of interest in $1.9 trillion Article 03/09/21 10:13 AM EST
Tucker Carlson mocks excitement over first Native-American cabinet nominee, demands her Scandinavian ancestry receive same recognition Video & Audio 03/08/21 9:07 PM EST
Tucker Carlson: Immigration “is obviously a humanitarian crisis, mostly for Americans” Video & Audio 03/08/21 8:35 PM EST
COVID misinformation, racism, and propaganda: Fox News’ newest show is already a disaster Research/Study 03/08/21 10:43 AM EST
Right-wing media misuse report on coronavirus-positive immigrants to renew xenophobic smear of them Article 03/05/21 3:57 PM EST
Tucker Carlson guest says police are “forced” to arrest Black men at higher rates “by the facts of crime” Video & Audio 03/04/21 9:22 PM EST
Tucker Carlson calls Lt. Gen. Russel Honore “nuttier than anyone affiliated with QAnon” Video & Audio 03/04/21 8:55 PM EST
Tucker Carlson mocks the seriousness of plot to kidnap and execute Michigan Gov. Whitmer Video & Audio 03/04/21 8:41 PM EST
Fox News' Dr. Seuss obsession reveals the dishonest desperation of the right-wing war on “cancel culture" Article 03/04/21 1:48 PM EST
Fox contributor Newt Gingrich: Democrats want an “anti-white” America where “transgender dominates Christianity and Judaism” Video & Audio 03/03/21 9:04 PM EST
Tucker Carlson attacks teachers, calling them “the most privileged government workers in the United States” Video & Audio 03/03/21 8:26 PM EST
The FBI director dismantled Tucker Carlson's lie that white supremacists aren't a threat -- so Carlson ignored him Article 03/03/21 12:49 PM EST
Tucker Carlson says pandemic protocols have given Democrats God-like power Video & Audio 03/02/21 8:27 PM EST