STUART VARNEY (HOST): Welcome back Herman. Is there anything that would make the Democrats happy? I don't think there is but you answer the question.
HERMAN CAIN (2012 GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE): I'm going to give you the short answer and the long answer. No. Nothing is going to make them happy. After all, this is the seventh FBI investigation. Now, they are going to be happy for a week. But I will guarantee you, they'll find another reason at the end of this to say, it wasn't long enough, the FBI didn't did their job. No. There is absolutely nothing that's going to satisfy the Democrats with this Kavanaugh kabuki delay, as I call it. You know what a kabuki delay is? It never ends. That's what they're doing, Stuart.
VARNEY: I call this character assassination, the assassination of the character of Judge Kavanaugh and the destruction of his family. The assumption is often that many women, especially suburban women, will go along with this. I don't think that's correct. I don't think it will have the positive impact on the midterms that the Democrats think. What say you?
CAIN: I agree with you. I don't believe his character is being assassinated as much as his character is being attacked because I don't believe that these accusations are sticking or influencing people's opinions. Even the lady that asked the questions during the judiciary committee, she wrote an eight-page report that said that there was no there there. And I listened to all of Dr. Ford's testimony and questions. I listened to Judge Kavanaugh, and every time she answered a question her credibility went down, down, down. And I think that's what the attorney found out. Every time Mr. Kavanaugh answered a question his credibility went up, up, up. So this is why I don't believe any of this is sticking in terms of trying to hurt his character.