Sinclair Broadcast Group is a publicly owned company that trades on the NASDAQ Stock Market. As a public company, Sinclair's board of directors represents the interests of Sinclair's shareholders. Sinclair's directors have a responsibility to ensure that Sinclair takes actions consistent with enhancing shareholder value. Sinclair's decision to air the anti-Kerry documentary Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal places partisan political interests ahead of shareholder value by jeopardizing the renewal of FCC licenses, stimulating grassroots advertiser boycotts, and triggering potential investigations into the company's misuse of its licenses to use the public airwaves.
You may be a shareholder in one of 20 mutual funds or six pension funds, listed below, that hold Sinclair stock. If that's the case, you can express your concern that Sinclair's management has placed partisan political interests ahead of its financial obligations to the company's shareholders, and request that your fund manager immediately divest from any Sinclair investments that may be held in your mutual fund.
Mutual fund contact information:
Management Company % of Sinclair /
value of stock telephone number EARNEST PARTNERS, LLC 5% / $36M 800-322-0068 GABELLI ASSET MANAGEMENT CO 5% / $30M 914-921-5100 WESTFIELD CAP MGMT CO, INC. 3% / $19 617-428-7100 MORGAN STANLEY INV MGMT INC.(U 3% / $18M 212-761-4000 NEUBERGER BERMAN, LLC 3% / $17 212-476-9000 COLUMBIA FUNDS (BNK OF AMR) 3% / $16M 800-345-6611 PUTNAM INVESTMENT MGMT, L.L.C. 2% / $15M 617-760-1000 BARCLAYS GBL INVESTORS, N.A. 2% / $13M 415-597-2000 JANUS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC 2% / $10M 303-333-3863 VANGUARD GROUP, INC. 1% / $8M 610-669-1000 INVESCO CAPITAL MGMT INC. 1% / $8M 404-892-0896 J.P. MORGAN INV MGMT INC. (NY) 1% / $6M 212-483-2323 BLACKROCK FINL MGMT (VALUE) 1% / $6M 617-386-2500 BLACKROCK FINL MGMT (GROWTH) 0.8% / $5M 302-797-2000 LIBERTY RIDGE CAPITAL, INC. 0.7% / $4M 610-647-4100 KIRR, MARBACH & COMPANY, LLC 0.7% / $4M 812-376-9444 MFS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT 0.6% / $4M 800-637-2929 VAN KAMPEN 0.6% / $3M 713-438-4000 DREYFUS CORPORATION 0.5% / $3M 212-922-6000 AMERICAN EXP FIN. ADVS. 0.4% / $3M 612-671-3131
Pension fund contact information:
Management Company % of Sinclair /
value of stock telephone number COLLEGE RETIREMENT EQUITIES (TIAA-CREF) 0.3% / $2M 212-916-4000 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMP' RET SYS (CALPERS) 0.3% / $2M 916-795-3400 NEW YORK STATE COMMON RET SYS 0.3% / $2M 866-805-0990 OHIO PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT SYS (OPERS) 0.2% / $1M 614-222-6705 CALIFORNIA STATE TEACH'RET SYS (CALSTRS) 0.1% / $1M 800-228-5453 FLORIDA STATE BD ADMINISTRATIO 0.1% / $1M 850-488-4406
Source: Bloomberg, SEC 13D and 13F filings.
Percentages and dollar values rounded.
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