Correction (11/13/19): This post originally quoted Parker as saying, “Who would have thought that the 'T' in 'LGBTQ' was troubles and trans.” In fact, she said, “Who would have thought that the 'T' in 'LGBTQ' was throuples and trans.”
Fox guest dismisses transgender people as “gender noise”
Star Parker: “We need to talk about the gender noise, because who would have thought that the ‘T’ in ‘LGBTQ’ was throuples and trans”
From the November 13, 2019, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends
AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): We've mentioned your book. Tell us about it, why you wrote it, what it's about.
STAR PARKER (AUTHOR, NECESSARY NOISE): Yeah. Well, I wrote Necessary Noise because as someone who's been in and out of Washington, D.C., for 25 years doing my work, and the last 12 years full-time, I thought it was necessary to point to how necessary this noise is, that we are in a cultural war in our society. The subtitle to Necessary Noise is how Donald Trump inflames this culture war and why this is good news for the country. We need to have these discussions that we're having today. We need to talk about the swamp noise, which is what I address in my book. I talk about the tolerance noise. Tolerance now has escalated to the point where multiculturalism is now Marxism. We have attack on capitalism itself. We need to talk about the gender noise, because who would have thought that the “T" in “LGBTQ" was throuples and trans, and to the point where people are now expressing their private behaviors in public to where the church is on the hot seat. We need to talk about the Black noise. You know, this whole Black Lives Matter, no. What about no police, no peace? And then of course, my final chapter is on the opportunity noise, because as we move to KAG, Keep America Great, I think that over the next 12 months we're going to see some very exciting things happen in many, many communities across the country for Donald Trump.