Breitbart's Matt Boyle says House GOP should take a “90-day moratorium” on Fox News interviews
Boyle says Sean Hannity's show creates a “perverse incentive” for House Republicans pursuing impeachment
From the March 21, 2024, edition of Real America's Voice's War Room
MATT BOYLE (GUEST): The Republicans have brought like a Nerf football to a gun fight, right? Like the Democrats are playing for a bloody war and the Republicans are playing Nerf football in the backyard, right? They’re not fighting like their country is on the line.
I think the biggest thing that the Republicans could do if they want to get this impeachment inquiry done right, is they should do, every Republican involved in it, so that means every member of the Judiciary Committee and every member of the Oversight Committee, and the Weaponization Committee, et cetera, all in the House Republican leadership should do a 90-day moratorium on Fox News Channel interviews, right? They should no longer go on that channel. And the reason why is because all they're doing is they're just doing this for these little 30 second, 60 second clips that they can then go send around to their fundraisers to make it look like they're doing something on social media, rather than actually drilling down and doing something, because as you laid out there, I mean, Congressman Donalds laid it out in that excellent clip there, they've got the evidence, right? Like, we know money made it from the Chinese into Joe Biden's bank account, right? Like, there's a check with Joe Biden's name on it, right? Like, why is that not front page news everywhere?
It's because the media infrastructure among Republicans is there is a perverse incentive to – for these, like the 30 second, 60 seconds little clips that they get when they go on Sean Hannity's program.