STEVE BANNON (HOST): They committed sacrilege on Saturday when they brought the Ukrainian flags. They brought Ukrainian flags, Ukrainian flags on the floor of the House after Johnson and this crowd of Republicans — the 101, all the 101 ought to be turfed out.
Any of the 101 — if you look at any solace at all we had 112. We had a majority of the majority. At least we've shifted that. I know it's little compensation, but you're getting there. But we're going to hold — Johnson's got to go. Our entire week, we need — you need to call your district office and you need to put the fear of God in these people that you've had a bellyful of this. Okay? This is obscene. What happened is a desecration. It's a desecration of this republic. It's a desecration of the House. It's a desecration.
And their support of Johnson — and look, you're just going to get a caretaker. Now we've got to get a caretaker.