Steve Bannon: “If you’re not prepared to have them throw you in a prison” then you won’t be part of “taking our country back”

Bannon also accuses his political enemies of “treason”


From the November 2, 2024 edition of Real America's Voice's War Room

STEVE BANNON (HOST): I’m never going to stop. You can send me in prison, you can keep in prison me, you can take me out like you’ve tried to take out Trump, I don’t care. But I’m never going to quit.

And particularly, you greaseballs, the way you sit there and steal it and then talk to people, where are your votes? Where are your low propensity, are they going to show up on Tuesday? No, they’re not going to show up on Tuesday because they don’t exist.

You’ve stolen it, you’ve lied about it, you’ve tried to destroy the country – what you’ve done and let 15 million illegal alien invade our country. You’re traitors. You’re guilty of treason and we have got to spend the time to go through and adjudicate this in public.

In the dark of night you did this. This is why Trump had to stand up at 11 o’clock at night and say hey guess what, I’m up 800,000 in Philadelphia and we’re now going to take down that fence because you ain’t not blocking us out, you’re not going to do some count.

They’ve got to count it in the dark of night. We’re not going to back off this because we’re right and they’re wrong. And if you going to let them get away with it then you’re going to lose your country which we almost did and if Donald Trump – the moral courage of one man who now is going to sentenced to prison on 34 phony felonies by some hack judge in New York, has got a bunch of other felonies against him, all made up.

We’re not going to stop. Some people – some people – look, this fight’s not for everybody. I got it. Going to federal prison – not for everybody, I keep saying it, if you’re not prepared to have them throw you in a prison, then you ain’t going to be one of the guys that sit there and say no, we’re taking our country back.

They think they can break you. The moment they can break you is the moment we lose this country. They didn’t break Trump. And they’re not breaking MAGA and they’re certainly not going to break the War Room posse and they ain’t going to break me because they’re liars and we caught them in a lie.