Steve Bannon rails against Fox News' Sean Hannity: “How dumb are you?”
Bannon: “They're trying to set up Trump for an assassination. Let me repeat that. They're trying to set up Trump for an assassination.”
From the December 6, 2023, edition of Real America's Voice's War Room
STEVE BANNON (HOST): Sean Hannity goes back and asks the question a second time. Hey, Sean, at least get a producer and get in your ear. That's called a heckle. You asked an absurd -- this epitomizes the Murdochs. Let me just give you the history of this thing. Roger Ailes was a genius, okay? Genius, but he was also deep into the establishment Republicans. I love Roger Ailes and he and I disagreed fundamentally on many things, but I always admired him, and I admired him as a -- just incredible understanding of media and information warfare.
Murdoch's a moron. Murdoch so missed what was happening in '15 and '16. He was ordering Ailes to do this stuff. He came to the White House. He's not a bright guy. He's not a bright guy. He's kind of a nepo [baby], because his father -- they had money. His sons are the biggest morons in the world. Untethered -- with Ailes gone, this is truly TV for stupid people.
Sean Hannity actually thought he was helping Trump last night. Let me ask you a question: Will you be a dictator? Trump gives a full heckle. And here's what I love -- the audience gets it. They're laughing. By the way, Sean, they're laughing at you. They're laughing at the stupid, ridiculous question. Of course Trump's not a dictator. It's absurd on the face of it, even to consider -- even to ask that question that Morning Joe and those guys can cut the clips on shows you're an idiot. And we don't have time for idiots, bro.
This is a war. Okay? This is a war. We don't have time for sunshine patriots in this nonsense. And don't carry the water for the Murdochs and don't carry the water for the left. And if you notice the biggest loyal Trump [INAUDIBLE], you're carrying the water.
It is disgusting that you ask that question. Let me be blunt. It's disgusting you ask that question. But then when Trump heckles you? That's a heckle, bro. And when the audience has a belly laugh and they're laughing at you, you come back and ask it again?
How dumb are you? This is absurd. This is real life. We're playing for keeps here, dude. We don't care about your $25 million dollar contract. We're playing for keeps. This is war. And you're just not good enough and you're just not smart enough.
It's absurd. You're carrying the water for our enemies. Don't you get that? And don't you get it when the guy heckles you and the audience laughs in your face, maybe that's the time to write down that number 2 pencil: maybe I shouldn't go in and ask it again? He gave you a frickin' answer! And the audience backed him up on the answer.
They're trying to set up Trump for an assassination. Let me repeat that. They're trying to set up Trump for an assassination. They are trying to take out Donald J. Trump personally.
STEVE BANNON (HOST): Sean Hannity goes back and asks the question a second time. Hey, Sean, at least get a producer and get in your ear. That's called a heckle. You asked an absurd -- this epitomizes the Murdochs. Let me just give you the history of this thing. Roger Ailes was a genius, okay? Genius, but he was also deep into the establishment Republicans. I love Roger Ailes and he and I disagreed fundamentally on many things, but I always admired him, and I admired him as a -- just incredible understanding of media and information warfare.
Murdoch's a moron. Murdoch so missed what was happening in '15 and '16. He was ordering Ailes to do this stuff. He came to the White House. He's not a bright guy. He's not a bright guy. He's kind of a nepo [baby], because his father -- they had money. His sons are the biggest morons in the world. Untethered -- with Ailes gone, this is truly TV for stupid people.
Sean Hannity actually thought he was helping Trump last night. Let me ask you a question: Will you be a dictator? Trump gives a full heckle. And here's what I love -- the audience gets it. They're laughing. By the way, Sean, they're laughing at you. They're laughing at the stupid, ridiculous question. Of course Trump's not a dictator. It's absurd on the face of it, even to consider -- even to ask that question that Morning Joe and those guys can cut the clips on shows you're an idiot. And we don't have time for idiots, bro.
This is a war. Okay? This is a war. We don't have time for sunshine patriots in this nonsense. And don't carry the water for the Murdochs and don't carry the water for the left. And if you notice the biggest loyal Trump [INAUDIBLE], you're carrying the water.
It is disgusting that you ask that question. Let me be blunt. It's disgusting you ask that question. But then when Trump heckles you? That's a heckle, bro. And when the audience has a belly laugh and they're laughing at you, you come back and ask it again?
How dumb are you? This is absurd. This is real life. We're playing for keeps here, dude. We don't care about your $25 million dollar contract. We're playing for keeps. This is war. And you're just not good enough and you're just not smart enough.
It's absurd. You're carrying the water for our enemies. Don't you get that? And don't you get it when the guy heckles you and the audience laughs in your face, maybe that's the time to write down that number 2 pencil: maybe I shouldn't go in and ask it again? He gave you a frickin' answer! And the audience backed him up on the answer.
They're trying to set up Trump for an assassination. Let me repeat that. They're trying to set up Trump for an assassination. They are trying to take out Donald J. Trump personally.