Steve Bannon on Trump gag order: “The judge doesn't want anybody to talk about it. That's not going to happen.”
Bannon: “Sorry, not sorry”
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From the March 26, 2024, edition of Real America's Voice War Room
STEVE BANNON (HOST): Your thoughts about a gag order? We broke this, you were part -- we broke this story a year ago about, you know, when Trump was indicted, that this was all tied directly, hard-wired into Biden's Justice Department. Hello! Hello! Guys from Obama's Civil Rights Division hard-wired in and now the judge doesn't want anybody to talk about it. That's not going to happen. Sorry, not sorry. We're going to put up Matthew Colangelo's picture every day and we're going to talk about him because this is how Biden is trying to win the election, Jack Posobiec.