Steve Bannon urges Rep. Jim Banks to be “ruthless” like Kevin Spacey's character in House of Cards
“If you look at House of Cards – and look, it's obviously a drama but the one thing is the ruthlessness that they have to run things when it's about power – and particularly when your country is on the line”
From the November 10, 2022 edition of Real America's Voice's War Room Pandemic
STEVE BANNON (HOST): Everybody that's maybe not familiar with the nomenclature, correct me if I'm wrong, if you're familiar with House of Cards, I think House of Cards, the lead character there started – when he started, he was the whip, correct? I'm not trying to make any analogies that you're that guy but that was the whip job in that HBO series, was it not?
REP. JIM BANKS (R-IN): That's right, Steve
BANNON: So it shows you that it's a very, very, very, -- for folks, this is inside baseball, it's probably one of the most important jobs in politics.
BANNON: Look, people that know you, everybody, obviously -- very high of your character and you're kind of Indiana nice, Midwest nice.
If you look at House of Cards – and look, it's obviously a drama but the one thing is the ruthlessness that they have to run things when it's about power – and particularly when your country is on the line.
Look, you served your country, you know, but our country's on the line right now.
Are you tough enough or ruthless enough to have this job, to make sure that America is actually defended and that you're the guy that's going to – and not fold, and be the tough – the guy's that's going to stand in the breach, sir?
BANKS: Yeah, Steve, I have a rock solid record of putting America first.