Steve Bannon: “You have to be prepared to go to prison” for the Trump movement
Bannon: “I've got prison sentences all over”
From Steve Bannon's keynote address to the Patrons for American Statecraft Conference
STEVE BANNON: The political class in this city cannot deal with the problems we face. This is why they hate Trump. Trump's not perfect. He's far from perfect. That he's an instrument of divine providence is no doubt in my mind because I was there. I saw it. No money, no organization, a plane, a man, a message, and just go around and people listened because he connects to them and he shows you the multi-ethnic, multiracial coalition we can put together, particularly if we focus on the economics of it.
You can't just talk about deconstructing the administrative state, you have to do it. You have to take on the deep state. You have to do it. You have to be prepared to go to prison. I've got prison sentences all over.