Virologist tells Steve Bannon his coronavirus conspiracy theory theory is from “crackpot websites” and is a “load of crap”
From the February 14, 2020, edition of War Room: Pandemic
STEVE BANNON (HOST): We have all the genome sequencing, or are we missing anything? You've seen it all?
BANNON: OK, so what you've seen, he said hey, some of these don't look like they could have been natural evolutions, what say you?
HATFILL: OK, I'm going to address this one last time.
BANNON: OK, fine.
HATFILL: Viruses, a lot of viruses have what are called hyper variable regions. This helps the virus find a new host, it's a survival advantage.
Everybody's looked at these sequences. If there was something definitely there, there'd be a rash of scientists speaking out about it. There's not a rash of scientists speaking out about it, there's a couple crackpot websites and people are grabbing this and running with it. People are getting scared, OK?
You don't just come on radio and say, "Oh, I've looked at the sequencing, and I think, you know, this is engineered." What a load of crap.