BlazeTV host: “The problem with the American church today is no one wants to kill its pastors anymore. No one wants to arrest its pastors anymore. And there's a lot of truth to that.”
From the November 27, 2023, edition of BlazeTV's The Steve Deace Show
STEVE DEACE (HOST): I saw a quote the other day, and I wish I could remember who said it. I'd give him credit. So, don't credit me with this, although I wish I would have thought of it. I saw a quote a few weeks ago. The problem with the American church today is no one wants to kill its pastors anymore. No one wants to arrest its pastors anymore. And there's a lot of truth to that.
You know, I texted Jenna Ellis when she got arrested a couple of months ago. I texted her and I said, hey, congratulations, you're in great company. I mean, I -- the list of people throughout the history of the church who were great figures of influence, and either at some point weren't in jail or threatened with jail is pretty small, actually. Pretty small.
And I'm not sure how many of our suburban mega-palaces are really any form of threat to the spirit of the age whatsoever. Doesn't mean they're all heretics. I don't believe that. But it does mean that they have -- they have practiced a form of theological reductionism that -- that the barebones basics of the Gospel that they apply -- if it even addresses personal salvation, it does nothing other than that -- and so, therefore, it is largely not a threat to the broader world system because serious discipleship is not going on.