BlazeTV host Steve Deace defends anti-immigrant rioters in Ireland: “Irish Proud Boy wannabes … who have had enough” are “not the villain here”

Deace: “Now our daughters are getting raped and assaulted. OK? What do we -- I've got nothing -- where would I go to petition? Who will listen to me? The cops are now investigating me, not the rape-fugees we brought in.”


From the November 27, 2023, edition of BlazeTV's The Steve Deace Show

STEVE DEACE (HOST): I mean, it used to be kings used to try to kill the Bishop of Canterbury. Now the Bishop of Canterbury is a whore. He's a Whore of Babylon. Anything the system wants, he will provide. Any talking point.

You want Islam? You got it. You want rainbow jihad? You got it. He's a whore for the spirit of the age, that's what the Bishop of Canterbury is now. Well, the Catholic Church has lost its witness in Ireland. It doesn't speak prophetically to the people anymore. And so, therefore, like they have in the past, because history doesn't just repeat, it rhymes, we're just going to play this song again. And that's what's happening in Ireland.

And now, men like Conor McGregor. Men like Robespierre -- see where I'm going with this? Men like Andrew Tate. These men -- these men will now step into the breach and do the work of the church. Except they will not do it. They will not -- they will not do it in a way, and never have, that makes you say, all right, that's a problematic figure. But I can, you know, I can see that this is kind of where God is just using a figure like this because he's kind of given up. No, they won't do it prophetically in any way. It'll just be one form of sinful humanity versus another.

Okay, well, I guess since we don't have the church, we'll just have to go Irish Proud Boys. We'll just have to do that then, I guess. How will the state respond? Well, you saw that in Aaron's montage, too, didn't you? Well, now we're just going to, you know, for the common good, we're just going to get rid of all rights altogether. So, we're going to squeeze tighter. Let them eat cake. Okay.

Well, the system, when you're at this kind of a breaking point and you're running out of things -- you start counting the costs, you're like, I'm kind of running out of what I'm going to lose here. You know what I'm saying? I mean, I'm already losing jobs to the -- I'm already losing jobs to illegals. I've already lost my culture to Islam. Now our daughters are getting raped and assaulted. OK? What do we -- I've got nothing -- where would I go to petition? Who will listen to me? The cops are now investigating me, not the rape-fugees we brought in. See where this -- this is where this always goes. And who -- who is absent in this conversation? Who is nowhere to be found in this conversation? The one -- the one -- the one -- the one -- the one institution that God has established and ordained for precisely these sorts of confrontations, clarifications, challenges. But the light's under a bushel. The salt has lost its savor. And so, now we'll just watch history repeat itself.

It's not that the Irish Proud Boy wannabes with too much Guinness after the soccer match who have had enough - they're not the villain here.