BlazeTV host Steve Deace: “I think there will be violence after the election regardless of the outcome”
From the March 11, 2024, edition of BlazeTV's The Steve Deace Show
STEVE DEACE (HOST): I think there will be violence after the election regardless of the outcome. That was one of my ten predictions at the beginning of the year. And that makes me sad, but I think that that will occur.
TODD ERZEN (CO-HOST): But this summer, without even being able to -- I mean, a specific kind of chaos, who knows? But is it -- is that baked into the cake this summer? Some kind of zaniness will ensue, just because --
DEACE: Well, they -- now -- their guy's in charge now, so destabilizing the cities doesn't help their narrative at all. It actually hurts it. You know what I'm saying?
ERZEN: Yeah. Yeah.
DEACE: So it makes sense -- it makes sense when Trump is in charge to, you know, send a bunch of crisis actors into places and destabilize urban areas.
ERZEN: On the other hand --
DEACE: And then you force Trump into, you know, what he viewed as a no-win scenario, which was to do nothing and look weak or to act strongly and create a backlash. As a general rule -- in fact, other than the conversation we had about chain of command with another Romans 13 question last hour, this will be the most -- I'm confident that what I'm about to say will be the most important thing I will say this hour. Alright? As a general rule, people always respond more affirmatively to strength than they do weakness. In any era, even in this era, even in this era, people respond more affirmatively to strength than weakness. So if Trump had acted the way we wanted him to in the summer of 2020 what would have happened? All of the same people that hated him before he did would have hated him all the more. All the same people that weren't gonna vote for him before he did were still not gonna vote for him. But he would have rallied people that were either on the fence and sick of all that crap or inspired his own base all the more. He viewed it as a no-win scenario. It was actually an only win scenario. There was only a win. He just didn't have the strength to act on it.