BlazeTV host Steve Deace: Trump “poisoned” Americans with Operation Warp Speed because “he's the useful idiot”
Deace: “There are people in this audience who got poisoned by Operation Warp Speed and just can't wait to do the time warp again because Cheeto Jesus saves”
From the March 15, 2023, edition of BlazeTV's The Steve Deace Show
STEVE DEACE (HOST): The argument is, by people who claim to be serious, who claim to be seriously about the country, I'm a nationalist. But I don't care that it's the three year anniversary of Donald Trump making the dumbest, most immoral management decision in the history of humanity, and is not apologetic for it in the least. And that's before he made the second dumbest and most immoral management decision in American history in Operation Warp Speed.
We wanna mock the other guys for still wearing masks on planes and not taking Steve Kirsch's hundred grand? There are people in this audience who got poisoned by Operation Warp Speed and just can't wait to do the time warp again because Cheeto Jesus saves.
Donald Trump is the Jar Jar Binks of this story, folks. I'm going to vote to use emergency powers. I nominate Palpatine. You say people gonna die? He's the -- he's the useful idiot. He's the Jar Jar Binks of the story.