BlazeTV host Steve Deace: YouTube and iTunes “are advocates, expositors, evangelists, proselytizers for the rainbow jihad”
Deace: “This rainbow tumor in the culture is so systemic”
From the May 31, 2023, edition of BlazeTV's The Steve Deace Show
AARON MCINTIRE (CO-HOST): Emily says Christians should take the month of June off from spending any money besides what is absolutely necessary - food, gas, mortgage, etcetera. Hashtag, let's find out if they actually don't care about our money.
STEVE DEACE (HOST): I think we have to ask ourselves is that even -- is even what she's suggesting possible? You know, I don't -- I -- is there a -- is there a place that you know you can go to buy gas that doesn't give to these causes? Do you have a place that you can go shop at that you know doesn't give anything to these causes? I -- I'm not sure how achievable that is. To me, I think -- I also think spreading yourself that thin is hard to hold -- to put off, or to pull off and maintain consistently.
To me, the strategy of aiming for a thermal exhaust port, making an example out of somebody -- out of a few somebodies -- making an example out of Budweiser, making an example out of Target, places where you uniquely have -- Disney, where you uniquely have influence, and racking up those wins, I just think is more achievable because this tumor, this rainbow tumor in the culture is so systemic. I don't -- I don't think it's possible to completely divorce yourself from it on any level.
I mean, you guys are watching us right now on YouTube. You're listening to us on iTunes. Those companies are advocates, expositors, evangelists, proselytizers for the rainbow jihad. I just -- I don't think it's possible to completely be divorced from it.