Steven Crowder: “Many of those in charge in the right-leaning media are actually at odds with what's best for you”
Crowder calls conservative media the “Big Con” for allegedly doing the bidding of tech companies:: “The people you thought, the people I thought were fighting for you, a lot of it has been a big con”
From the January 17, 2023, edition of Louder with Crowder, posted to YouTube
STEVEN CROWDER (HOST): So if you've watched for the last decade, you know that I've always made it clear that we here at Mug Club are in the business of serving you, the viewer – you watching, listening right now.
've also made it clear that I wouldn't be in the business of attacking other conservatives – regardless of disagreements or personal issues. And I've always explained my logic was relatively simple. I believe that the world was better with more voices out there rather than less, regardless of minute differences, considering the magnitude of the battle that we are genuinely fighting for our country right now.
But for the first time, I have to say that I believe many of those in charge in the right-leaning media are actually at odds with what's best for you,-he viewer, the customer, and, more importantly, the country.
We here at Mug Club, we thought that we were all in this together, that we were fighting the media-entertainment industrial complex. We thought that we were all genuinely taking it to Big Tech. But, too many of those in charge of the big conservative platforms are verifiably in bed with them. Big Tech is in bed with Big Con. The people you thought, the people I thought were fighting for you, a lot of it has been a big con.
Now I'm specifically avoiding naming names or going after individuals in this video because I genuinely hope that those I'm addressing and you know who you are, have a change of heart. It's it's never too late to do the right thing, guys. This is a genuine plea, we can all do better. We can all do better. It doesn't have to be this way. And please, don't make me have to provide receipts.
To the others out there who have now been able to verify have been locked into exploitative contracts that I have the luxury of not having to sign, which is why I'm doing this, those of you out there who've been locked into this and you know what I'm talking about, stay tuned. I've got something for you before this video is done.