Update (6/9/21): The June 8 episode of Louder with Crowder has been removed from YouTube. During the June 9 broadcast, Crowder said that “yesterday the show was down,” adding, “There are legal issues that you can’t discuss.”
Steven Crowder's most recent YouTube show was a sexist and obscene mess
Written by Jason Campbell
The June 8 edition of Louder with Crowder was a survey of vile sexism. Host Steve Crowder displayed an obscene graphic of Vice President Kamala Harris. He was referencing both a moment on her recent trip to Guatemala in which Harris handed out cookies to members of the press corps and a sexist smear frequently used by right-wing personalities to attack Harris.
From the June 8, 2021, edition of Louder with Crowder, streamed on YouTube
STEVEN CROWDER (HOST): Kamala Harris, by the way, also delivered cookies of her likeness to the back of Air Force Two.
CROWDER: Yeah. Very nice. She baked cookies for the boys. So, it's pretty tough for the press to actually get pictures of this, but we've obtained exclusive pictures of the cookies she passed out. Yeah, so that is — hey, she's — it's basically a resume.
DAVE LANDAU (CO-HOST): Cookie Monster was quoted as saying “C" isn't for cookie.
Separately, Crowder claimed: “Women not only don't know the threat of violence men live under, they don't know what violence feels like.” He went on to box with a female intern, punching her while she wore padding multiple times and asking her if women have “privilege” in not being subject to violence to the same degree as he claimed men are.
From the June 8, 2021, edition of Louder with Crowder, streamed on YouTube
STEVEN CROWDER (HOST): Doing an experiment here. I had nine women at my house for a shower for my wife, you know, who's pregnant. And I realized that's why you see those videos, women don't understand the constant threat of violence under which men live. And this is the same thing you see with Black Lives Matter, you see with antifa, people who claim victim status, they attack only because they believe there are no repercussions. Right? For example, you look at Kyle Rittenhouse — attacked, hit, someone aiming a gun at him, they're trying to shoot him. When they respond, people are shot. You see this a lot when protesters start breaking the glass in a car. They run, you know, they gas it. They're not trying to hit protesters, they're trying to escape, and they're shot. And you see it a lot now with women, specifically assaulting either older, weaker women or men because they don't fear the repercussions.
Now, this is important because I think that women not only don't know the threat of violence that men live under, they don't know what violence feels like.
Because that's the male privilege, right? Same reason there's lower domestic abuse in gay couples than heterosexual couples because getting hit hurts. And you don't just smack a guy over a tuna casserole and nothing happens. You're going to have a fight. So, you weigh the risk/reward and you know what? He went to the Folsom Street Fair; it's technically not cheating. All right. I'm not going to take a swing.
Crowder also said all the women hosts of The View are overweight and only one can be attractive.
From the June 8, 2021, edition of Louder with Crowder, streamed on YouTube
STEVEN CROWDER (HOST): All right, guys, this is getting a little crazy. This is not The View here. We'd all need to, you know, we'd all need to get a significantly higher BMI. I don't know if that's a prerequisite at The View.
CROWDER: You have the token one attractive person at The View.
MORGAN: Do you?
CROWDER: You know, at The View, there's one pretty one. And I always wonder if they're having auditions and someone just walks in who's, like, mildly attractive, like, “No! No."
MORGAN: Whoopi Goldberg's like, nope.
CROWDER: You know the rules! You know the rules, child.
Sexist remarks are nothing new for Crowder. He recently returned to YouTube after a suspension levied because he bullied Ohio police shooting victim Ma’Khia Bryant.
Crowder’s show is a cesspool of bigotry, racism, anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, and conspiracy theories. He has used racist and homophobic slurs.
YouTube has policies against hate speech and harassment. Crowder has already been suspended twice from the platform for violating its policies.