On YouTube, Steven Crowder downplays Buffalo shooting because “white supremacy ... statistically is a non-factor”
Steven Crowder claims that Black people in television, including White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, are not representative of the Black community
From the May 17, 2022, edition of Louder with Crowder, streamed on YouTube
STEVEN CROWDER (HOST): This is the thing. They want white Americans to feel guilty if, for example, after the knockout game and after you see this unbelievable wave of crime that had taken place over the pandemic, the riots. They want you to feel guilty -- we talked about this yesterday, this is the overarching theme here -- they want you to feel guilty for saying, oh, you know what? I get a little bit nervous, as a white woman, in a primarily Black neighborhood where my head is on a swivel. Oh, why is that? Well, it's because, you know, I'm exponentially more likely to be shot, raped, or robbed. Don't say that. But they encourage Black people to live in fear of the white supremacy that statistically is a non-factor.
CROWDER: The difference is the anxiety that's created one way -- for example, if white Americans feel concerned if they're in a predominately Black neighborhood, particularly after 2020, the anxiety is statistic-induced. The anxiety that's being induced in the Black community is from leadership lying. That's the problem, is -- look, I think that if you're a white person at a Black Lives Matter riot -- whether it's Baltimore, you know, Ferguson, or whether it's going on in Dallas -- yeah I think you'd be a fool to not be concerned.
Now, that does not mean that every interaction with Black -- I've said that, you know, my interactions when we do the talking with people are far more pleasant with the average Black American than with the average, you know, American white bitch.
But, here's the thing, I don't think there's a single group of people in the history of this country who have been more overly represented in media and the entertainment industry while simultaneously having no accurate representation than Black people. What do I mean by that? You think this White House -- you think this speaker, you think this press secretary, is representative of the average Black American? You think Al Sharpton is? You think what you're seeing on HBO is? It's not even close. Go and talk to them. Go and talk with them.
But they make up a huge percent -- Black Americans make up a huge percent of what we see in media but it is not emblematic of Black American voices. Primarily they grow up in Christian households, primarily they tend to be family-centric, primarily they tend to be socially conservative. And yes, there are issues that the Black community, obviously, struggles with, that they need to deal with themselves. I can't offer solutions because I'm a white guy. But we're not offering mass shootings of Black people. That's just a statistical inaccuracy. And that's the problem with sowing division based on a lie. And telling people to shut up about the truth.
The truth is white people are being offed in record numbers by Black people in this country, when you look at the crime between races. Same thing applies with Asians and crimes being committed against them by Black people. These people committing these crimes are not people afraid of white supremacy or Asian supremacy. That's a statistical reality. And so yes, you have a lot of white people who are afraid. And so they're less likely to reach across the aisle and speak with people in these communities. But we need to acknowledge the statistical reality if we're going to address the problem. We need to stop silencing people from speaking of the truth.