Steven Crowder says Canadians should seek asylum in the US
Crowder: “At no point in our life would it be more appropriate than Canadians right now fleeing Canada to the United States”
From the February 16, 2022, edition of Louder with Crowder, streamed on YouTube
STEVEN CROWDER (HOST): I would love to see a freedom trucker convoy here in the United States.
GERALD MORGAN (CO-HOST): Yeah, absolutely.
CROWDER: I would love to see that here in the United States. Especially if it’s as peaceful as it was in Canada.
MORGAN: I know.
CROWDER: And I would also love to see Canadians seek asylum. I mean, for crying out loud, if people can do it in a caravan from Honduras, why can't Canadians right now? Can they -- seriously. Can they come to Michigan? Can they go to Michigan and claim asylum? Because they're actually --
MORGAN: Oppressive governments.
CROWDER: Yes, exactly. Asylum -- you do not seek asylum just because your country is not as good as the United States. That's not asylum. But when the government is freezing your bank accounts and threatening to jail you for speaking out against the government or, my God, jailing pastors for still preaching when the government tried to shut them down -- I can't think of a more clear cut example of a people claiming asylum. If the United States wants to actually care about immigrants claiming asylum, it would -- at no point in our life, would that asylum rule, because it also has to be nearest country --
CROWDER: At no point in our life would it be more appropriate than Canadians right now fleeing Canada to the United States. We would have to grant them asylum. How about that? Can there be a movement to grant Canadians asylum? I don’t know what we can do policy wise but I do know we have a lot of people right now watching and listening. I would love to see a freedom convoy here in the United States that’s a peaceful way to have an impact. I would love to see some lawyers help get some Canadians here in the United States claiming asylum. It is entirely appropriate.