Fox Business fearmongers about Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill: “Do you think five-year-olds should be instructed on their own sexuality in elementary schools?”
Former Trump appointee Ben Carson: Students need not “be engaged in conversations about whether I feel like a girl or boy today”
From the March 10, 2022, edition of Fox Business’ Varney & Co.
STUART VARNEY (HOST): We’re going to change the subject from the markets and the war for a moment, and turn to this. The Florida Senate passed a bill restricting teachers and school districts from discussing sexuality and gender identity with children in kindergarten through third grade. Dr. Ben Carson joins me now. Doctor, straight at it — do you think five-year-olds should be instructed on their own sexuality in elementary schools?
BEN CARSON (FORMER SEC. OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT): Well, of course not. You know, their brains aren't, you know, prepared to handle those kinds of complex topics right now. You know, growing up, you know, is supposed to be a fun time, not a time when you’re presented with a lot of confusing information. And you know, there are a lot of adults who don't even understand sexuality. So, why would you burden a young child with something like that? And these are the kinds of things that parents are there for, they’re not the kinds of things schools that schools are there for.
VARNEY: The LGBTQ community is upset about this. Does that matter at all to you?
VARNEY: Well, the LGQT — whatever — yes, they matter, everybody matters. But that has nothing to do with whether we are confusing our young people. This is not a matter of politics, this is a matter of common sense. And what is school for? It’s so that we can teach our young people how to manage in a complex world. That means they need to be good readers, they need to be able to handle mathematics, they need to understand history, they need to be able to express themselves. They don't need to be engaged in conversations about whether I feel like a girl or boy today. You know, this makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever.
VARNEY: Yes, doctor, you’re right.