Fox host Tomi Lahren suggests that Americans may need to shoot immigrants who are coming to the United States
Lahren: “The people in the middle of this country, we are going to be armed and ready, because we have to have a means to defend ourselves from — who knows who's coming in?”
From the September 13 edition of Fox Business' Varney & Co.
TOMI LAHREN: (FOX NATION HOST) And you can't depend on the government to protect you at all times. That's what so many Americans forget, is they put their safety and security in the hands of the government. The government is going to fail you.
STUART VARNEY (HOST): But the government — what I like about America is that we're the only country in the world where armed citizens are allowed — just in case the government gets out of line. That makes America unique. It's one of the things that really appeals to me about America. And you never hear about that.
LAHREN: Well, that's what Second Amendment activists, and people that are for the Second Amendment, Second Amendment rights, remind people over and over and over again. This is your right, your right to protect and defend yourself and your family. And all the things the Democrats want to put in place — my goodness, if they want to open our borders, you better be sure the people in Texas, the people in South Dakota, the people in the middle of this country, we are going to be armed and ready, because we have to have a means to defend ourselves from — who knows who's coming in? That's the thing, we don't know, and we have to be able to protect ourselves.