Tomi Lahren says Trump should get “credit” for eating fast food even though he's rich

Lahren: “For those always criticizing him for his wealth and his privilege, you would think that they'd give him credit for eating inexpensive meals like much of the rest of the country”

From the January 16 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

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TOMI LAHREN (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): Well, listen, the Trump-deranged crowd will really attack this president over anything, even Big Macs and pizza, because they are that petty and they are that pathetic. But, it's important to note, if President Obama did this, he would be considered hip, and accessible, and let's also note that Donald Trump eats this kind of food himself, so, for those always criticizing him for his wealth and his privilege, you would think that they'd give him credit for eating inexpensive meals like much of the rest of the country. 


LAHREN: But, they can't give this president credit for anything. 

AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): Yeah, it's all-American foods. Foods that everyone loves. When there's a government shutdown, it was very generous of him to reach in his own pocket and pay for them and celebrate their championship.


Tomi Lahren: “If we need a government shutdown” to build a border wall, “then a shutdown is exactly what we need”

On Fox & Friends, Tomi Lahren complains that teachers are teaching “liberal indoctrination” instead of things like math

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