's Bestseller Boost

If you want a free copy of many of the latest conservative best-selling books, just pay for a subscription to's print edition, and take your pick.

An online ad for the magazine promises a choice from among 14 of the most recent right-wing bestsellers if you purchase a $34.95 subscription to the magazine.

“From the creators of, the nations #1 site for conservative news and politics, Townhall Magazine is the fastest growing conservative magazine with political news and opinion. Rush Limbaugh calls 'must reading for conservatives who want to make a difference',” the ad states. “New subscribers receive their choice of a free book by Sarah Palin , Sean Hannity , Michelle Malkin , Rebecca Hagelin , Glenn Beck, Michael Medved , Newt Gingrich , Hugh Hewitt or Mark Levin. If you are a conservative republican, libertarian, or independent who cares about our country and Washington DC, Townhall is the conservative magazine for you.”

The new fawning biography of Rush Limbaugh by Zev Chafets is also on the list.

In addition, Glenn Beck's novel, “The Overton Window,” which hit Number One on The New York Times bestseller list on July 4, can be yours for free if you subscribe to Townhall.

A similar Beck offer from is available as well if you subscribe to its Whistleblower publication for $39.95.

" .. After five back-to-back No. 1 New York Times bestsellers, the national radio and Fox News television host has delivered a ripped-from-the-headlines thriller that seamlessly weaves together American history, frightening facts about our present condition and a heart-stopping plot," that offer states. "'The Overton Window' will educate, enlighten and, most important, entertain - with twists and revelations no one will see coming. (A $26.00 value, FREE - plus free shipping!"

One wonders how well any of these books would do without such extra sales boosts.