Fox anchor echoes false GOP talking point that impeachment inquiry is a “kangaroo court”
David Asman: “Undoing an election with a secret inquisition, I mean, that's the Republican charge. And it's looking more and more like what it is. I mean, it's looking more and more like a kangaroo court, where only the bad stuff leaks out.”
From the October 24 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom
BILL HEMMER (CO-ANCHOR): This from The Wall Street Journal: “Schiff's Secret Bombshells. If the testimony is so damning for Trump, why not make it public?" Charlie.
CHARLIE HURT (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): It's a good point. And the fact of the matter is, the reason we have these processes in place is not just to have processes in place, but it's because it's the way to fairly get at the truth. And if these people actually want to get to the truth, then do it out in the open and do it fairly. What they're talking about doing, it's not an attack on Donald Trump, it's an attack on the American voter. They're talking about trying to undo an election, and if they have a case that is so great that can justify that, then come out with it and let us all see it.
DAVID ASMAN (FOX BUSINESS ANCHOR): Undoing an election with a secret inquisition, I mean, that's the Republican charge. And it's looking more and more like what it is. I mean, it looks -- it's looking more and more like a kangaroo court, where only the bad stuff leaks out. The stuff that might be exonerating of Trump and the Trump administration is being withheld. For example, Ambassador Taylor's testimony, which is very strong stuff -- 15 pages -- there's some very strong charges here suggesting it was a direct quid pro quo, suggestions that perhaps John Bolton was worried about the same things. I think he may be forced to testify. But again, what you didn't see -- you saw the testimony, but what you didn't see were any counter charges to Ambassador Taylor. Was there any cross examination? If this is a court of law, what distinguishes a kangaroo court, is there's no cross examination. And if there is a cross examination, Republicans say, that would undermine some of what Taylor is saying here. We haven't seen it.