Fox host Brian Kilmeade on Bolton's book: “Devastating timing, because this thing was on the fast track to closing out without witnesses”
From the January 27, 2020, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): If John Bolton's lawyers are telling the truth here and they just submitted it in and it's leaked out, if that is indeed the case, more evidence that people within the administration are actually against the administration. And the other thing is, devastating timing because this thing was on the fast track to closing out without witnesses on Friday. Only Mitt Romney pretty much saying I want to see witnesses. Everybody else saying I have heard enough. And now this gives fuel to the Senator Schumers of the world, Adam Schiffs of the world --
KILMEADE: -- to say I need a witness and he wants to testify.
STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): When you say devastating timing, it's got to be a coincidence, right?
KILMEADE: It's unbelievable.
DOOCY: That it would come out just hours before the Senate impeachment is going to start at 1:00.