From the January 25 edition of Fox News' Shepard Smith Reporting:
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SHEPARD SMITH (HOST): Remember, this began with Devin Nunes, the same Devin Nunes who last year made White House surveillance claims, staged a rush to the White House to reportedly share surveillance information with the administration, but actually took information from the administration and staged a report of it. At its core, it was P.R. And it was bogus.
Devin Nunes wrote the memo currently in question. He will not share it with investigators. The Trump Justice Department wants to see it. He won't let them. The same Trump department says it should not be made public as it would damage the nation. It's classified. It could reveal sources and methods. The Republican Trump appointee, the assistant attorney general, Stephen Boyd, says releasing the memo would be extremely reckless. Richard Burr, the Republican of North Carolina, chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence, has requested a look before any possible declassification. Look denied. Many who have seen the memo say it's misleading, distracting, and lacking context. The memo itself is in the conservative discussion mix while the special counsel investigating Russian interference in our democracy is apparently about to interview the president of the United States while seeking to determine whether he's colluded with the Russians or obstructed justice. A memo can be a weapon of partisan mass distraction, especially in a pivotal moment in American history when it behooves the man in charge for supporters to believe the institutions can't be trusted, investigators are corrupt, and the news media are liars. Context matters.