Fox medical correspondent engages is wild speculation over Joe Biden's health, speculating what drugs he may have been prescribed
Fox medical correspondent suggests Joe Biden has had a “silent stroke” and has been prescribed Adderall
From the September 21, 2020, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Joe Biden has not yet agreed to a drug test. Dr. Marc Siegel is a Fox News medical correspondent, we're happy to have him on the show tonight. Doctor, thank you so much for coming on. 200 million people died during that speech. I think that qualifies as a national emergency. Maybe I'm being hysterical. What do you think?
MARC SIEGEL: Tucker, imagine if President Trump said that, imagine how the wolves would be all over him if he made anything like that mistake. And the word of course they use to cover this is "gaffe," but I have to tell you, it's time we stopped using the word "gaffe." I've talked to many neurologists, now, I haven't examined the former vice president, I don't have a clinical diagnosis to make, but many neurologists have said to me these are not isolated. 200 million people dying, Iraq versus Iran, he keeps mixing up those two countries, there's multiple examples of that.
And I want to put forth some ideas tonight, they're not proof, they're not even theories, but back in 1988 former Vice President Biden had two aneurysms clipped in his brain using surgery, surgical techniques, and he had a bleed. Studies show a 50% long-term cognitive problem. Now, what is cognition? It's thinking, it's memory, decision-making.
He's also got atrial fibrillation, it's a matter of public record, it's an arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation, a study, a Swiss study just showed a couple of years ago in thousands of patients that there's a 3 percent per year silent stroke where you can't see it, except for changes in thinking, Tucker, and 3 percent per year whether you're on blood thinners or not.
So now, President Trump says, "You know, we should have drug testing before debates," and I'm thinking why would he be saying that?
Well, let me tell you one reason, Tucker. There's a study that shows that for people who have mild cognitive thinking or memory problems, you know what helps? Speed. You know what helps? Adderall, a drug that I prescribe. These drugs can help in low doses for short periods of time. Now look, in the Olympics, we're testing athletes. Baseball games, we don't want anybody to juice. We're looking for competitive advantage. We're analyzing that. We want to make sure nobody takes advantage.