Fox's Pirro: The judge in Gen. Michael Flynn's case “needs to recuse himself, he should be embarrassed to put a robe on”
Pirro: “He's poisoning the 2020 election by trying to make it look like Bill Barr ... looks like the villain here”
From the May 13, 2020, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): May I ask you a question? Hold on. If you just take three steps back, here's a guy who's going to prison for lying in a case in which we have handwritten notes from an FBI official saying "Should we get him to lie so we can send him to jail or get him fired?" If he was an armed robber I would defend him. Are there actually people in Washington with a straight face saying he should go to jail?
JEANINE PIRRO: Yes, because it has become the politicization of the criminal justice system. We saw it in the Kavanaugh hearings with the denial of the presumption of innocence. We are seeing further pillars being destroyed in this particular case.
CARLSON: Yeah, that's right.
PIRRO: This -- this defendant was someone that was targeted by the judge. This judge needs to recuse himself, he should be embarrassed to put a robe on. He tells the defendant who's facing five years, "Has the prosecutor considered trying you, charging for treason," which is death penalty. He says, "You're an embarrassment to the country." This judge doesn't belong on that case.
And now what he's doing is he's poisoning the 2020 election by trying to make it look like Bill Barr, who is one of the most honorable, effective attorney generals we've ever had, not a wingman like Eric Holder, he's trying to destroy the whole thing so that Barr looks like the villain here.