Julie Kelly has repeatedly appeared in right-wing media to push conspiracy theories about the January 6 attack, including suggesting an officer injured that day was a crisis actor.
Julie Kelly says that Tucker Carlson is the perfect person to give special access to all the footage of the January 6, citing his revisionist film Patriot Purge
Kelly: “It will it would be useless to just have it up there and have it just sort of disparage, you know, clips and and posts all over the place without this maximum impact that I think will come from Tucker”
Julie Kelly says that Carlson is the perfect person to give special access to all the footage of the January 6, citing his revisionist film Patriot Purge
From the February 20, 2023 edition of Premiere Networks's The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show
JULIE KELLY (GUEST): I feel very confident in Tucker's team. He's been covering this since the very beginning as well, produced Patriot Purge, the three-part documentary about the new war on terror against the right using January 6th as the pretext for it. So I am fully confident that he is going to come up with some explosive series of clips with context and get this out to his audience using maximum impact.
CLAY TRAVIS (HOST): No doubt that Tucker and his staff are super competent and very skilled at narrative discussion, narrative shaping, and helping to understand the complexity of many different stories. Having said that, 41,000 hours. I don't know how big Tucker's staff is, but you can well imagine, I mean, how long it would take to simply have an individual review this is almost overwhelming to even contemplate. Do we know how big the staff is going to be that will have access to all this footage? And how difficult do you expect that it will be to try to put some sort of narrative cohesion into this larger basically video dump?
KELLY: Well, I mean, it is a massive project. I believe that his producers and researchers know pretty much what to look for, because, look, the idea that this could just be uploaded to a public platform, you see people on the right who are very agitated saying Kevin McCarthy broke his promise for public release. Fine. I'm less concerned about that than putting it in the capable hands of people who know where to look, who understand the timeline, who know inside and outside the Capitol needs to be exposed what has been concealed. For example, it's my understanding that the security cameras outside the Columbus door, within the Rotunda and, in the speaker's lobby were not on that day.
TRAVIS: It's always convenient how that happens, isn't it?
KELLY: Isn't it amazing? That in itself is a huge scandal. Now you can get 100 different people on Twitter splicing that together. But one powerful voice like Tucker, since he has been covering this from the beginning, he understands what's at stake, not just for public accountability and transparency, but for the defendants, because they have that just a lot of this has been withheld from them. And discovery and the discovery process. So there's a lot at stake. So I understand people are disgruntled that it should be on some public platform. By the same token, if you don't know this story inside and out from the beginning, it will it would be useless to just have it up there and have it just sort of disparage, you know, clips and posts all over the place without this maximum impact that I think will come from Tucker.