Rep. Eric Swalwell details death threats from Tucker Carlson fan who “threatened to kill my entire family”
Rep. Swalwell: “He does this because he knows that his followers will be inspired and radicalized and then aim their vitriol at whoever he is attacking that day”
From the October 22, 2021, edition of MSNBC's Deadline: White House
REP. ERIC SWALWELL (GUEST): We receive hundreds of threats. What was specific about this was the caller identified he had just been watching Tucker Carlson. Now, we get a lot of threats that come in as Tucker Carlson attacks me, but this person identified he had just heard from Tucker Carlson. He was now calling my office and then of course dropped a number of racist, sexist, homophobic epithets in the call, and then threatened to kill my entire family. And what is so frustrating about this, Nicole, is that I have personally, eyeball to eyeball, asked Tucker Carlson not to lie about me on his show because of this effect.
I've even in the last couple months sent a text message to him telling him when he lies about me on his show it results in death threats to me, my wife, and our family. And when he had people protesting outside his house just a couple years ago I went on Twitter despite not agreeing with almost anything he says and I said that that's wrong to go to his house and terrify his wife in the way that that happened. But he does this because he knows that his followers will be inspired and radicalized and then aim their vitriol at whoever he is attacking that day.