Tucker Carlson claims Andrew Cuomo was forced to resign because he was a white male
Carlson: “Because of that, his own people iced him and they replaced him with someone who looked the part”
From the January 12, 2023, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): It's hard to remember now, but it wasn't that long ago that Andrew Cuomo was not only the governor of New York, but also a legitimate hero in the Democratic Party.
A number of women came forward to claim that Cuomo had once said impolite things in their presence. By the standards of Andrew Cuomo's many scandals in office, it seemed like nothing. But for reasons they never explained, Democratic leaders, leaders of his party in Washington, took the scandal very seriously. They described Cuomo's behavior as sexual harassment and they called for his resignation.
What exactly did he do wrong? He outlived his usefulness to the party -- that's what he's did. He stayed too long. Cuomo was in his 60s, he was white, he was male, he was someone whose demographic profile represented the Democratic Party of the past, not of the future. He talked like a mafia don negotiating garbage contracts. He was a little embarrassing. Because of that, his own people iced him and they replaced him with someone who looked the part.