Tucker Carlson compares students protesting gun violence to Mao's Red Guards

Carlson: “It's wrong to exploit them, which, by the way, is exactly what is being done to them today, what the left is doing, and has always done -- from Mao's Red Guards, to now”

From the March 14 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:

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TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): The walkout is being hailed by our ruling class as an act of moral bravery, but of course, students do not act independently. Brave as they may be, they can't act independently, they're under the control of adults, in this case, by definition.

They're in school. So, when you hear 16-year-olds scream “Hey NRA, how many people did you kill today?,” you can guess about whether they know what they're saying, or whether they really believe it. Some of them do. But you can be certain adults are behind it, and they are.


It's wrong to exploit them, which, by the way, is exactly what is being done to them today, what the left is doing, and has always done -- from Mao's Red Guards, to right now.

The ANC in South Africa used kids as political props in the '80s. Their cause was obviously morally defensible, causes usually are morally defensible. But in the process, an entire generation of kids learn to believe that activism is more important than learning and a lot of them regret it now. They were exploited and they are being exploited here.


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