Tucker Carlson: Cops “clean up the messes” when “fatherless sons turn violent”
Carlson: “We hire cops to clean up the messes the rest of us create. When people don’t get married before they have kids and their fatherless sons turn violent”
From the August 27, 2020, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Riots across the country for the last three months raise the question why do we have police? Well, we hire cops to clean up the messes the rest of us create. When people don't get married before they have kids and their fatherless sons turn violent, or when big business offshores blue collar jobs and entire communities collapse, it is the police who deal with the consequences. Not all cops are good at their jobs, obviously, but in the end the big problems are not their fault. Most of them are just working class guys doing their best.
Who did that? Who turned a nice little town like Kenosha, Wisconsin into a hellscape where 17-year-olds are shooting people? You didn't do that, the cops didn't do that, the left did that. They destroyed that city. They abetted the violence you saw the other night, period. They made the cops go away and when the cops left, lunacy filled the void. Period. They're denying that now, but they're lying as usual.