Tucker Carlson defends white supremacists from scrutiny
Carlson: “It's impugning people with the worst slur they have. And now, it's being used as a pretext to marshal the force of the state against its own people”
From the February 17, 2021, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Speaking of CNN, Joe Biden was over there last night for a town hall. Did you see it? If you didn't, if you didn't catch it, you might not be alone. It's not clear that Joe Biden caught it. At one point, poor guy, he lost track of where he was and nearly walked right into the moderator. That was more than a social distancing violation, it was almost a head-on collision. There was nervous laughter in the audience but CNN didn't care.
That's because when Biden finally got his whereabouts under control, he delivered exactly the message the network wanted him to deliver.
White supremacy is the problem, he told us. It's a wide-ranging threat. It's the main problem. You've heard that so often that it probably doesn't register anymore. Every day, there's some KKK terrorist out there, lying in wait. Where is the plot? Of course, they don't tell you where the plot is, but every moment the terrorists don't strike is just proof they are planning something bigger and more sinister.
There's no evidence this is true. They're creating extremism, by the way, by saying it. They seem to be pushing for it. It's crazy, crazier than the Russia hoax. It's dangerous. This isn't just about taking down Mike Flynn or George Papadopoulos, it's dividing the country against itself. It's impugning people with the worst slur they have. And now, it's being used as a pretext to marshal the force of the state against its own people.