Tucker Carlson: “I don't care how the U.S. government treats foreign citizens. I don't care on the border, and I don't care if they are Russian agents”
From the March 22 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:
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TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): I would like to see a lot of other documents too, like the FISA warrants that allowed the Obama administration to spy on American citizens, and a rival presidential campaign. On the basis of what?
CHRIS HAHN: Well, you know, there were 20 --
CARLSON: Why -- wait, hold on. Wait, wait stop, hold on -- why can't we see those?
HAHN: -- There were 20 Russians who -- hold on -- hold on, Tucker. There were 20 Russians, there were 20 Russians that were indicted by the special counsel.
CARLSON: Okay, good, I don't care, they're Russians. I'm talking about American --
HAHN: -- For interfering with our election. They may have -- that may have stemmed from the FISA warrants. Look, there is a FISA court, there is a FISA court --
CARLSON: Wait, stop, why don't we find out? I don't care how the U.S. government treats foreign citizens. I don't care on the border, and I don't care if they are Russian agents. I care about the American citizens. The point of our government is to protect them.