From the July 17 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:
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TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Of course Russia spies on us, so do a lot of countries -- some of them far more effectively than Russia. The Russian attempt to meddle in our election was comically amateurish, badly targeted Facebook ads almost nobody saw.
Compare that effort to the deep penetration of American industry and the defense sector by the communist government of China, or compare it to the remarkable sway that the Sunni Gulf states have over our political process -- or the fact that Latin American countries are changing election outcomes here by forcing demographic change on this country, at a rate that American voters consistently say they don't want.
Those are all major challenges from foreign powers to our American democracy. They are real, and yet somehow, nobody on cable news seems upset about any of it. Why is that? Well, here's one reason: Many in Washington are getting rich from the Chinese and the Saudis.
Latin Americans clean their homes and watch their kids. Those countries can't be our enemies, in their view. But nobody here is getting rich from Russia, so, therefore, Putin must be a mortal foe.