Tucker Carlson launches unhinged attack on Cardi B for promoting proper hygiene
Carlson: “It's aimed at young American girls, maybe your girls, your granddaughters and what is it doing to them? Can you even imagine what it's doing to them?”
From the August 18, 2020, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): The song is called "WAP." We can't tell you what that stands for. We literally can't tell you what the name of the song is much less its lyrics. It was released earlier this month by Atlantic Records. The chairman of that is a man called Craig Coleman. To give you a sense of what the song is about, and again, we should tell you this is one of the most popular songs in the country and you need to go online and look up its lyrics -- here's the woman who sings it, Cardi B, explaining to women how they can become more useful sex objects. Watch.
That's garbage. You don't need to be a puritan to think so. It is. It's garbage. It's aimed at young American girls, maybe your girls, your granddaughters and what is it doing to them? Can you even imagine what it's doing to them? People are getting rich pushing that crap on the country, and they should be ashamed of themselves, but they're not ashamed of themselves. Joe Biden just did an interview with Cardi B. Doesn't do a lot of interviews, he just did one with her. He sucked up to her, called himself "Joey B"
Again, we are not being prudish here. This is not James Brown being sexually suggestive on stage. Go online right now and look up the lyrics to this song. And then ask yourself if you were Joe Biden, would you suck up to the person who sang it? And ask yourself above all, and ask it more than once, what is this doing to our kids? The people pushing it clearly are trying to hurt your children. Why is nobody pushing back?