Tucker Carlson says Americans criticizing racist coronavirus rhetoric is how the Chinese are going to “control us” with “wokeness”
Carlson: The Chinese “know that wokeness is our Achilles' Heel and they know they can control us with it”
From the March 18, 2020, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): It's racist. That's what the media is talking about in the middle of a life-threatening pandemic. And the Chinese know this. They know that wokeness is our Achilles' Heel and they know they can control us with it. They know that any conversation in this country, no matter how serious, can be shut down instantly by somebody, maybe a mindless ABC correspondent, saying 'racism.' And that's why they're pushing it. On MSNBC, people who could be informing the public about the virus, instead lectured on how certain thoughts about the virus are naughty and wrong.
These people, they're beneath loathsome. But even most journalists - and that's saying a lot - are too smart to believe what they're saying. They know there's nothing scary about calling the Chinese coronavirus Chinese. It is. What is actually scary, and what ought to bother you quite a bit, is what these people believe about their viewers, including you. That they should be lied to and controlled.