Tucker Carlson says a “core weakness” of the United States is that English isn’t the official language

Carlson: “Is there a single country in the world you know of, that's bilingual or multilingual, that's not at war with itself?”

From the May 4 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:

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ETHAN BEARMAN: English is not an official language of the United States, Tucker.

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): I know, and that's --

BEARMAN: We're not at that place where we say you can only speak English here.

CARLSON: That's one of our core weaknesses, that it's not the official language.


CARLSON: Is there a single country in the world you know of, that's bilingual or multilingual, that's not at war with itself?


There is no country that I'm aware of, on Earth, where you don't have an overwhelming majority of people united in a language, except those countries like Belgium, like Canada, that are riven by these cultural and linguistic differences. Like, language is culture. Why wouldn't you want your whole country to speak one language? Why is that bad? Isn't that the goal?


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