Tucker Carlson says immigration bill would make America “a borderless rest stop for the world's predators and parasites”
Carlson: “Under this legislation the criminals are now the victims. Law enforcement is illegitimate, it's racist, just like the country you live, just like you are. And the only solution is to get rid of both”
From the February 6, 2020 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Anti-American immigration judges and there are a lot of those in this country, would have a blank check to open the borders. You would not be voting on this. It would happen anyway.
Under this legislation the criminals are now the victims. Law enforcement is illegitimate, it's racist, just like the country you live in, just like you are. And the only solution is to get rid of both.
America would be better off with a borderless rest stop for the world's predators and parasites. That's the point of this. And we're not overstating -- go read it. This is a big deal.
A growing wing of the Democratic Party views America itself as essentially illegitimate, a rogue state in which everything must be destroyed and remade.
Our laws, our institutions, our customs, our freedoms, our history, our values and, of course, that's the point of all of this an entirely new country in which resistance is crushed and they are in charge forever.