Tucker Carlson says the only proof there isn’t election fraud in Arizona is if the Republican wins

Carlson: “This is a democracy, we have an absolute right to have it proven to us, that the election was fair. If it is fair, Kari Lake’s going to win”


From the October 20, 2022, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight 

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): So, how does Katie Hobbs plan to win? Well this week, Hobbs, who is again the secretary of state of Arizona -- in charge of elections -- announced that thousands of voters mistakenly received a ballot that had only federal races on it. Now, there's no proof this was deliberate, but it kind of undercuts the whole "election denier attack" when you send out thousands of faulty ballots a few weeks before the election.

So as we said, assuming that all votes are counted -- and we should never take that on faith. We should never take that on faith. This is a democracy, we have an absolute right to have it proven to us, that the election was fair. If it is fair, Kari Lake's going to win.