Tucker Carlson: “A society that elevates people who are mentally ill is doomed”
Carlson: “They would not intentionally put people in positions of authority who were incompetent”
From the March 3, 2023, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): So, the problem with this is not John Fetterman himself. Once again, it's impossible not to feel sad for John Fetterman or anyone else who suffers from mental illness. A lot of us are eccentric, some of us are very eccentric, and a tolerant and compassionate society should do its best to help people suffering from problems like depression or schizophrenia or whatever. The problem is that a society that elevates people who are mentally ill is doomed.
Wouldn't a functional society elevate people to positions of leadership who are the wisest, the smartest? The sanest? Who had the greatest degree of foresight and emotional self-control? Yes, it would. They would not intentionally put people in positions of authority who were incompetent. They would not allow John Fetterman to write railroad safety legislation from his bed in the psych ward.