Tucker Carlson unleashes deranged rant calling for protesters to be labeled domestic terrorists, arrested, and paraded “in front of cameras like MS-13”
Carlson: “Put them all in shackles and then frog-marched them in front of cameras like MS-13, and call them what they actually are, domestic terrorists”
From the June 25, 2020, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): The Attorney General Bill Barr says he is overseeing 500 separate investigations into rioters. Good for him. Presumably one of them is into the destruction of the Albert Pike statue in Washington. It took place last Friday. It was on live television. So far, no one has been arrested for it.
It would change the course of this country's future if the Justice Department rounded up the leaders of antifa tomorrow, along with every single person caught on camera torching a building, destroying a monument, defacing a church, and put them all in shackles and then frog-marched them in front of cameras like MS-13, and call them what they actually are, domestic terrorists.
Not protesters, not civil rights activists, not CNN contributors, but domestic terrorists. That would be their new, government-approved title. Once they're charged, it's official, in fact. They are, literally, as a factual matter, accused terrorists, and that would change minds right away. The people destroying this country are criminals. Few are brave enough to call them that, so naturally their popularity grows.