Big Mac, Fries And a Side Of Twitter?

Leave it to McDonald's to leave no promotional option untouched, announcing it has appointed a director of social media, one Rick Wion.

“Mr. Wion, who hails from GolinHarris, Chicago, has handled social-media projects for McDonald's since 2006. He was a founding member of the McDonald's Digital Task Force, which established the company's digital strategy,” reports Crain's Chicago Business “In an interview, Mr. Wion said his marching orders are three-fold: using social media to build the business, manage customer problems, and beef up outreach to target groups such as mommy bloggers.”

Crain's adds: “One of Mr. Wion's first major projects will be stepped-up outreach to mommy bloggers, which the chain has been courting for several years through its Moms Quality Correspondents. McDonald's will be reaching out to the group in a variety of ways this summer, Ms. Oldani said.”

Makes sense. Now how about some Facebook Fries?